The Ultimate Gaming Equipment Checklist: Everything You Need to Get Started

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Gaming Equipment Checklist

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking to upgrade your equipment or just starting and need to build your set-up from scratch, this gaming equipment checklist will make sure you have everything you need. From controllers and consoles to headsets and beyond, we’ve got you covered. So read on for the ultimate guide to gaming gear.

1. Console or PC

The first step in building your gaming setup is to choose your platform. Are you going to be playing on a console like the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch? Or are you planning on gaming on a PC? There are pros and cons to both options, so it’s important to decide which one is right for you before moving on to the rest of the checklist.

2. Controller

Once you’ve decided on your platform, it’s time to start thinking about controllers. If you’re playing on a console, you’ll need to purchase a controller specific to that console (e.g., a PlayStation 4 controller if you’re playing on a PS4). If you’re playing on a PC, you can use either a mouse and keyboard or a gaming controller.

3. Headset

A headset is an important piece of gaming equipment for two reasons: first, it allows you to communicate with other players if you’re playing online; and second, it lets you hear the game audio more clearly. There are many different types of headsets on the market, so it’s important to do your research and find one that’s comfortable and has the features you’re looking for.

4. Graphics Card

If you’re gaming on a PC, you’ll need a graphics card (also known as a GPU) to run the games. The type of graphics card you need will depend on the types of games you want to play and how high you want the visuals to be. Again, it’s important to do your research to make sure you’re getting a card that’s compatible with your system and meets your needs.

5. Storage

Console and PC games take up a lot of space, so you’ll need to make sure you have enough storage to accommodate them. If you’re playing on a console, you’ll need to buy either physical games (which come on discs) or digital games (which are downloaded onto the console’s internal storage). If you’re gaming on a PC, you can either install the games onto your computer’s hard drive or buy an external hard drive specifically for gaming.

6. Extra Controllers

If you’re going to be playing multiplayer games, it’s a good idea to have extra controllers on hand. That way, everyone can join in on the fun. Again, the type of controllers you’ll need will depend on the platform you’re using.

7. Streaming Devices

If you want to be able to stream your gaming sessions (or even just watch other people stream), you’ll need some additional equipment. For console streaming, you’ll need a capture card that connects your console to your computer. For PC streaming, you’ll need a webcam and microphone in addition to the capture card.

8. Game Codes

Some games require you to enter a code to unlock certain features or content. These codes are usually included with the game itself, but if you’re buying a used game or downloading a digital copy, you might need to purchase them separately.

9. Subscriptions

There are a few subscriptions you might need to enjoy all the features of certain games. For example, many online multiplayer games require you to have an Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus subscription to play. And if you want to stream your gameplay, you’ll need a Twitch or YouTube Gaming account.

10. RGB lights

Last but not least, don’t forget about the RGB lights! Many gamers like to add these to their setup for a little extra flair. You can get RGB lights for both your console and your PC, and they come in all sorts of different colors and styles. So have fun picking out the perfect ones for your gaming setup.

Happy gaming!


Now that you have all the gaming equipment you need, it’s time to get started on your gaming journey. With this checklist in hand, you should be all set to start building your gaming setup. Just make sure to do your research and choose the equipment that’s right for you. And most importantly, have fun!

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