How to Clean a Mouse Pad (And Why You Should Do It)‍

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If you spend hours every day at your desk, scrolling through documents and webpages, it’s a good idea to have a mouse pad in front of you. This little piece of fabric gives you greater control over your mouse, eliminating the risk of cursor straying or hand cramps from extended periods of use. But what else are mouse pads good for? Well, cleaning them! Unfortunately, they can get pretty gross as time goes on. Mouse pads collect dust and oils from our hands that can transfer to the surface every time we use it. The same is true for any other fabric-covered desk accessories like desk mats or top covers. Thankfully, cleaning them is a lot easier than it sounds. Here’s how to clean a  mouse pad and why you should do it!

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Photo by Ola Dapo on Pexels

What You’ll Need

To clean a mouse pad, all you need is a bit of warm water and a sponge or scouring pad to scrub away any caked-on grime. For an even deeper clean, you can also mix together a solution of warm water and a drop of detergent. Next, extra boost, add in a few drops of essential oil for a fresh scent. For the mouse pad itself, you’ll also need to find a replacement cover if it’s worn or stained beyond repair. Other fabrics like synthetic suede or microfiber shouldn’t need cleaning as often as a mouse pad. But, they can be spot-cleaned as needed.

Step 1: Shake Out the Dust

The first step in cleaning a mouse pad is to give it a good shake to dislodge any loose dust and debris. This will also help you get a better idea of the condition of the pad—if it’s worn or stained badly, you might want to replace it before proceeding. For particularly dusty fabrics, you might want to use a vacuum or brush to collect the dust before cleaning. This will help you avoid getting the dust trapped in the fabric and transferring it back to the pad when you put it back.

Step 2: Mix Together Detergent and Water

Next, mix a small amount of warm water with a drop of mild detergent. Using a soft sponge or scouring pad, scrub the surface of the pad to remove any stubborn oils and stains. Remember to spot clean as needed, rather than trying to clean the entire thing at once. This way, you’re less likely to damage the material or create a mess in your home. If you find that the pad is particularly dirty or stained, you can also add a drop of white vinegar to the solution. This will help the detergent work more effectively to lift out dirt and stains.

Step 3: Scrub with a Brush

If your mouse pad is particularly stained, you can use a small scrub brush to get rid of the dirt. You can use the same cleaning solution as above, but be sure to wring out the pad or brush to avoid creating a puddle. For the best results, focus on one area at a time. If you scrub too aggressively, you risk damaging the pad, or the material may stain. If this happens, don’t despair. You can always replace the pad with a new one.

Step 4: Dry and Lube With Silicone

Once the pad is clean and dry, you can help keep it that way by adding a thin coating of silicone spray or a pad cleaner to the bottom side of the fabric. This will help to repel dirt, oil, and dust that might otherwise build up on the pad over time. For the best results, use a silicone spray designed for fabrics. Be careful not to spray too much, since you don’t want the fabric to become too slippery. Finally, you can help prolong the life of your mouse pad and improve your posture by adjusting your desk setup.

If you use a keyboard at a desk, place it at elbow level to avoid straining your wrists. You can also raise your chair to the proper height and use a standing desk if possible. This will help to distribute your weight more evenly and reduce the stress placed on your joints. And if you have a mouse pad, it will be better able to withstand daily use and last longer between cleanings.

Hand cleaning a table
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Why You Should Clean Your Mouse Pad (and Desk Accessories)

Do you only clean your mouse pad when it gets too gross to use? You are definitely be missing out on the health benefits of cleaning it regularly. Dirt and oils trapped in a pad will build up over time, creating a breeding ground for bacteria. This can not only cause unpleasant smells, but also put you at a greater risk of allergies and illness. In addition to giving your pad a clean bill of health, cleaning it regularly will also extend its life. A well-cared-for pad will last longer and be less likely to fray or tear when you need it most. And it’ll smell a lot nicer, too.


Cleaning your mouse pad regularly will help to keep it in good condition and make it last longer. It’s important to clean your mouse pad because it will get dirty from the oils on your hands and the dust in your house. If you don’t clean your mouse pad, it will start to smell like feet. You can clean your mouse pad by shaking it off, cleaning it with water and a scrub brush if it’s really dirty. You can also clean your mouse pad with a few sprays of an anti-microbial cleaner, which will help it stay fresh.

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