5 Best Lighting Setups for Streaming: How to Get the Perfect Look for Your Videos

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lighting setup for streaming in dark
Photo by Sharad kachhi on Unsplash

Whether you’re a professional streamer or just starting, having the right lighting is essential for putting on a great show. If you’re new to streaming or just looking to improve your setup, read on for our five best lighting setups for streaming that will give you the perfect look for your videos. So whether you’re streaming from your bedroom or a professional studio, these lighting setups will help you create a high-quality stream that looks great every time.

The three-point lighting setup

This setup is the most basic and commonly used in film and photography. It involves using three lights to illuminate your subject from different angles. This setup is ideal for streamers who want to create a professional look for their videos.

To set up a three-point lighting setup, you’ll need three lights: a key light, a fill light, and a backlight.

  • Your key light should be placed in front of your subject and slightly to the side, about 45 degrees off-center. This light will be the brightest in your setup and will provide most of the illumination for your video.
  • Your fill light should be placed on the opposite side of your key light, about 45 degrees off-center. This light will fill in any shadows created by your key light and it will help to create a more balanced look for your video.
  • Your backlight should be placed behind your subject, about 45 degrees off-center. This light will provide a subtle bit of illumination for your video and will help to separate your subject from the background.

The halo light setup

The halo light setup is similar to the three-point lighting setup, but it uses four lights instead of three. This setup is ideal for streamers who want to create a bright and airy look for their videos.

To set up a halo light setup, you’ll need four lights: two key lights, a fill light, and a backlight.

  • Your two key lights should be placed in front of your subject and slightly to the sides, about 45 degrees off-center. These lights will be the brightest in your setup and will provide most of the illumination for your video.
  • Your fill and backlight should be placed on the opposite side of your key lights, about 45 degrees off-center.

The ring light setup

The ring light setup is similar to the halo light setup, but it uses a ring light instead of four separate lights. This setup is ideal for streamers who want to create a bright and evenly lit video.

To set up a ring light setup, you’ll need one ring light and two stands.

  • Place the ring light in front of your subject and slightly to the side, about 45 degrees off-center.
  • Place the two stands on either side of the ring light, about 45 degrees off-center.

The desk light setup

The desk light setup is ideal for streamers who want to create a bright and evenly lit video without using a lot of space. To set up a desk light, you’ll need one table lamp and two stands.

  • Place the desk lamp in front of your subject and slightly to the side, about 45 degrees off-center. This light will provide most of the illumination for your video.
  • Place the two stands on either side of the desk lamp, about 45 degrees off-center. These stands will help to evenly distribute the light from the desk lamp and will create a more balanced look for your video.

The natural light setup

The natural light setup is ideal for streamers who want to create a video with a natural look. To set up a natural light setup, you’ll need to find a well-lit room with large windows.

Place your subject in front of the windows, and position the camera so that the light is coming from behind the camera. This will ensure that your subject is evenly lit and that there are no shadows on your subject’s face.

Pro tips

  • To set your lighting setup, you’ll need to adjust the brightness and position of each light until you’re happy with the look of your video. Once you’ve found the perfect balance, make sure to mark the positions of your lights so that you can easily recreate your setup in the future.
  • If you’re using a natural light setup, be sure to use a reflector to bounce some of the light back onto your subject’s face. This will help to fill in any shadows and will create a more evenly lit video.
  • If you’re using a three-point lighting setup, be sure to use gels to color correct your lights. It will help to create a more balanced look for your video.
  • If you’re using a halo light or ring light setup, be sure to use diffusers to soften the light. It will help to create a more natural look for your video.

Final thought

man setting up lighting panel
Photo by Aditya Wardhana on Unsplash

There are a lot of different lighting setups that you can use for your streaming videos. The best setting for you will depend on the look that you’re going for and the amount of space that you have to work with. Experiment with different setups until you find one that works best for you. And don’t forget to have fun!

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